Stories Through a Lens

In the ‘Stories’ section you can explore selections of my work accompanied by a brief text providing context. The format is that of a blog introducing a thematic photo gallery, often relating to an exploration or event.


This portfolio includes a few of events that I’ve had the honor of documenting in photographs. They include a selection of my work taken at concerts, press briefings, and high level political meetings and addresses.


When I photograph people for portraits and events, I look to illicit or catch moments in which the subject’s passion, depth and emotion are revealed in a descriptive context.


Listed by the country visited, this portfolio includes selections of photographs that I’ve taken while traveling. They range from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Forbidden City and a great deal in between.

Wedding Photography

In this section you you can see a selection of wedding photography.

The Stories

In the ‘Stories’ section you can explore selections of my work accompanied by a brief text providing context. The format is that of a blog introducing a thematic photo gallery, often relating to an exploration or event.
A Window on Troyes

A Window on Troyes

These photographs are of the capital of the France’s champagne region. That is, they are of the scenic city of Troyes in the North-central Aube region and capture just a small part of the old city. They begin with a walk down Ruelle des Chats which is said to have...

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An aerial view of Iceland

An aerial view of Iceland

I took these aerial photographs while flying from Reykjavik to Brussels earlier this summer. The quality isn’t perfect as I was shooting from a commercial airline but I am pretty sure we were over the Iceland’s Skaftafell preserve area of wilderness and glaciers.  The...

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About Michael

Although I am originally from the States, I am based in Brussels.  Most of the events I cover tend to be within a stone’s throw of the capital but I love to travel to different locations for shoots and to portray new stories.

For an indication of my rates, just send me a message through the contact page or call at (+32) 49 738 59 78 and we can check dates and set a quote.


This portfolio includes a few of events that I’ve had the honor of documenting in photographs. They include a selection of my work taken at concerts, press briefings, and high level political meetings and addresses.


This portfolio includes a few of events that I’ve had the honor of documenting in photographs. They include a selection of my work taken at concerts, press briefings, and high level political meetings and addresses.


When I photograph people for portraits and events, I look to illicit or catch moments in which the subject’s passion, depth and emotion are revealed in a descriptive context..


Listed by the country visited, this portfolio includes selections of photographs that I’ve taken while traveling. They range from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Forbidden City and a great deal in between.

Call Michael at
(+32) 49 738 59 78



7 + 1 =

Brussels Area, Belgium


Como & Milan Area, Italy


Call Michael at:


(+32) 49 738 59 78


A selection of photographs from China. Click on images to expand them to original proportions and learn more about where they were taken.

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